Telephone directory at RIN.RU - universal phone bookRussian Information Network
World Telephone Directory
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  • City search. If you want to find telephone directory of a particular city, type its name in "City search" field. Our search is associative - you can enter a part of the city name if you are not sure in spelling. For example, if you enter "ana" you'll get all the cities which names contain this set of letters (Anaheim, Buchanan, Indiana etc.)

  • Country search. Choose the country you need from the drop-down menu and click "search". You'll get the list of phone books of all the cities and organizations of this country.

  • You can add a link if we don't have it in our database. Go to Registration page and add your information. Be sure that we do not share your email address with anybody, it's only to contact you.

  • Countries codes page will be of help to you.

  • If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
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The database contains 236 countries
All resources: 6107 total:1115  
today:0  yesterday:1  

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